September 11, 2013

View of Lower Manhattan from the Brooklyn Promenade late last night. I'll be back out there tonight September 11, 2013 at sunset to capture Tribute in Light  and at sunrise on September 12 , 2013 to watch the lights turn off. 12 years later and we never forget that day, where we were and who we were. So much has changed and yet so much has stayed the same.


View of Lower Manhattan from the Brooklyn Promenade

Maritime Region

Documenting a 17 day trip starting in Portland, Maine across the Maritime Region of Canada, and then up even further North in to Newfoundland, Canada. While there are many images to look at (113 images) please take the time to look, and leave me some feedback. 

I will be pushing various images on my Instagram account (@JonathanHeisler) in the coming weeks so check them out there as well.

Below are some photos and attached is a link to the full gallery.


Welcome to my new site. 

Photography has been a journey. It starts with an idea or a preconceived notion and becomes much, much more. It requires nothing more than a camera and a blank canvas consisting of a memory card or film.  

I hope to keep this blog up to date with my travels, daily adventures and future plans. As a recent college graduate, just "figuring things out" takes a lot of time and understanding those changes takes even longer. My blog should be a reflection of those changes and I hope you will see them in my photographs, their captions and the stories they tell. 


Photographed on August 29, 2013 while leaving Twillingate, Newfoundland